I'm A Bo Street Runner, and you can't catch me

So after a long day at the TV studio, first rehearsing and then performing live, the victorious band found themselves at Decca's large studio near Oxford Circus at the centre of London.
Under the direction of Decca's ace producer, Glyn Johns, the Runners whacked out their Ready Steady Win! original song 'I'm a Bo Street Runner' and by three o'clock in the morning that was wrapped up and ready to be mixed.

Over the following days the band members were to make some important decisions regarding their individual futures; turn professional or continue on a semi-pro basis?. Winning the competition and it's prizes appeared to hold out a pretty rosy future but two of the boys remembered the musicians' adage 'Don't give up the day job!'. Nigel 'Hutch' Hutchinson and Bob O'Brien decided to leave the band and stick with their day jobs. Gary Thomas and Dave Cameron chose the full time pro option whilst John Dominic compromised by going full time whilst being kept on a retainer by the advertising agency he'd been working for.


Although this was almost the end of the Mk I version of the band there were a busy few months ahead of them with prestigious concerts at some important venues. At the Empire Pool Wembley the band appeared with the Stones and a host of other top acts and similarly at the Albert Hall with Tom Jones, Marian Faithfull and other chart toppers. Radio and TV performances included 'the Joe Loss show' and the children's programme '5 O'clock Club'


Amongst a blaze of publicity the first single was released and received, largely, favourable reviews. However in spite of the huge exposure from the TV shows and the the weight of a major label behind them the record failed to chart, even though around 20,000 copies were sold.

Before the demise of the competition winning line up a manager, PR specialist, David Williams, was taken on and the Bo Street Runners fan club was set up. In expectation of fame and fortune a limited company 'Bo Street Runners Ltd was registered. Business was truly being taken care of!

Up until the end of 1964 the band continued fulfilling their engagements still borne along by their Ready Steady Win success. By December replacement musicians had been lined up; Roy 'Fingers' Fry on keyboards and Glyn Thomas, drums. These two established jazz playeres were to effect a fundamental change in the band's musical direction. For more on Bo Street Runners MKII see, 'Tell me What You Gonna Do'

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