Creating your own page; step by step
1. Go to the 'add a new page' box, bottom of the menu to the left of this.
2. Type in your page title ie. ' Harrow'
3. Press ENTER
4. 'Create a new page' comes up
5. Input your text using the tool bar options above the main box to make it look more interesting
6 When you have finished click on 'preview' and, if necessary, edit your work
7. When you're happy with it click on 'save'
Your page is now part of the site!
Finally with your page up on screen click on 'tags' . Write you page title in the box and click on 'save tags'. Your page title now appears alongside all the other page tags on the welcome page.
Inserting an image
You have 2 options of sourcing your image
Image from another website
If you have an image on another website which you'd like to insert in this page, this is how to do it.
1.Click the 'insert image' button in the tool bar on the edit page; you get this bit of code:
[image source ]
2. Replace the word 'source' with the exact location of the file (ie the exact url of the image.)
If you want to upload an image from your own computer:
1. Check that the file you want to insert has a one word name, with no spaces . So, say the file name is 'Railway Hotel', change it to 'RailwayHotel''
2 Next you need to attach the file to the relevant page. To do this, click on the "files" option at the bottom of the page
3 Locate the image file on your computer
4 Then 'upload' your file .
5 Click 'edit' at the bottom of your page
6 Click the "insert image wizard" button in the tool bar above the edit page
7 Select the "attached file" option
8 Select image size (normally choose 'small')
9 Select postion from drop down
10 Click on 'insert code'
11 Back on edit section click 'preview' to check image is in the correct position then 'save'